Friday, August 21, 2009

Breaking News August, 2009

New appointed SFPD Chief Gascón is bringing 2 LAPD officers to work on the case with fresh eyes and said "The goal is to provide closure for the family and find the perpetrator."

Does it mean that the SFPD officially drops the suicide theory? Well say it officially. We've been waiting for more than 2 years now.

Related articles:


SF Weekly and also

Bay Guardian

San Francisco Chronicle


Unknown said...

Thank you for your action seeking for the truth. I on m'y on On my basic level I sustain you all in your battle for the truth.
Id'like to join you in order to honor the memory of Hugues and find the author of this tragedy. I lived in Virginia and as a french citizen abroad I feel concerned by Hughes my compatriot.
Jean-François Foret
if I can help you I work as an infographist

best Regards

Anonymous said...

de ce que j'ai vus,je pense a un meurtre.les traces de sang pense qu'il etais dans son salon puis vers le perron (dont moi je pense que hugues est tombé aux escaliers et a recu le troisième coups de couteau dans les escaliers,d'ou les bruits entendut par le voisin).
j'ai one explication a chaque fait comme les 3bruits de porte et pour le cable de l'ordi,,,,,
bon courage a vous tous

Unknown said...

I believe Hugues never used his cell because he couldn't find it.

Anonymous said...

All concerned about this horrible crime, do any of you know how Nix found out Hugues was dead while she was on the east coast? Who notified her? Was news of his death published on the net, in the papers, or in the electronic media within 48 hours from the time the police discovered his body at 8:30 a.m. on June 2nd?