Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Location; Alliance Française San Francisco 1345 Bush Street, San Francisco CA
6:30: Synopsis distribution in French and English
6:40: Welcoming and introduction by Christophe Schuhmann
6:45: Film - 90 minutes -
8:15: Questions and Answers with Bill Fazio, attorney at law representing the family, John Murphy, private investigator, Gitanjali Bhushan neighbor next door, Olivier Ngueda friend and co-worker...
9:00: Response to media
The film is in French but in fact all the interviews are audible in English. 70% of the movie is in English even if the narrative is in French.
Thank you to Antoine Baldassari and Marie-Anne Theriez for allowing this to happen.
This movie was aired on France Television on November 2009 and was seen by 8 millions viewers.
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
Melissa was informed to Hugues death by common friends in NYC who themselves have been informed by LeapFrog. The underlying opinion of your comments is completely irrational and has no ground whatsoever.
Anonymous...you are really boring with your questions...Identify yourself and if you know something you should let us know....
my email is christophe.schuhmann AT gmail.com
Please contact me and I will give you all the answers...
Dear Anonymous,
This is Melissa Nix. I wish you would identify yourself, rather than hide behind your cowardice.
I have not willfully ignored your requests for any information, rather I have been very depressed and not checking the blog regularly.
But lets get to your horrific and hurtful questions.
How dare you accuse me or insinuate that I am the murderer or trying to cover for someone? Do you even know what it is like to lose someone you loved to murder and then to have an idiot like yourself like you rub salt in the wounds? Who are you? My email is common knowledge. You could have contacted me at any time rather than trying to publicly slander me.
If you want to know who called me the day Hugues was found dead here they are the following people, all common friends of mine and Hugues, all who live in NYC:
Kathy Lando
Jeanie Gosline
Amy Herzog
I was in Gloucester, Virginia visiting my family when I received these phone calls. About 20 people can verify that this was the case and that I was in Virginia.
One of Hugues neighbors, who was a common friend of one of Hugues work friends at Charlie Morrow Design Studios in New York called a Mark B. (also a former colleague od Hugues at Charlie Morrow) who then called Jeanie Gosline. Jeanie used to work at Charlie Morrow as well with Hugues. I did not know this neighbor, as I had not been in contact with Hugues for 6 months. However this person was savvy enough to know that the police probably had not contacted his parents.
Jeanie, not knowing what to do, called me on my cell. I did not pick up at first, as I was at the movies. Amy and Kathy called and left messages too. Once I talked with all of them, I then called SFPD dispatch to confirm Hugues was in fact dead. Then I called his parents.
I was in fact Hugues ex-girlfriend. We were together for 4.5 years, both in NYC and SF.
We broke up in 2003, but tried to get back together over the years. We finally broke things off for good, after a very brief reunite, in Nov. 2006. I was happy to hear that he had been seeing other people - wanted him to be happy.
The reporter told me when I asked why he wasnt covering Hugues death "that he doesnt write about suicides."
Obviously, you are not a reporter as you would know that when you cover the cops beat, you call police daily and/or the coroner to find out about any mortalities of the day. Police and/or the coroner will tell reporter whether the case is worth writing about, ie, its a murder, involunatry manslaughter, suicide. etc. The SF reporter did not make up what he told me, rather, he was repeating what the authorities had told him.
Now fuck off. If you want me to answer any more of your questions, identify yourself.
Nice dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link
Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
I became very interested in this case when I watched it on "48 hours mystery". I am French and now I live in Canada and, since the day I became aware of this case I have been very sad and even crying over this. Hugues was a good person, I noticed how many friends he had. I just would like to tell you that when I watched this case on tv, I thought right away that this was a case of revenge related to a girl Hugues was seeing. The boyfriend or husband found out about it and then comitted this horrific act.
The scene was bloody and horrific and it seems to me that this was done by a man who knew him but not close enough, like somebody who heard about him through the girlfriend or wife.
You need to investigate the cell phone and call every girl he was with during that time.
also is it possible to contact the website he was surfing the day of the murder and have them forward you the ip addresses of the girls that were chatting online that day?
Most online dating websites don't monitor the impersonifications,some men present themselves as being women to trap others.
It is a strong feeling I have. I may be wrong but I had to put a comment in here.
My condoleances to friends and family.
Also, I completly forgot something, have you thought about hiring a psychic? I think you should consider it. I have seen cases on tv, on court tv, where a psychic sees the last moments of the victim and can tell you right away what the person felt and what happened and why he was killed. The psychic can even draw a sketch of the murderer. There are few good psychic on court tv and I do see at least 2 or 3 that are always right with the predictions and off course they got the murderer caught. You should consider every option because Hugues's parents are suffering. I saw Hugues's father on tv and I felt so sad, he seemed very very tortured mentally and you should consider any option possible. I am not a psychic but I do believe in an afterlife.
take care
hello this is Candy from Canada again.
Okay, so I found the link for the psychic I like the most on court tv.
Her name is Nancy Myer and her website is
her email address is on the page.
please for the sake of finding Hugues's murderer, consider this.
I am in no way related to this lady but I strongly believe that she will help you because I have seen her work on cases and she is a great help.
thank you for considering my comment
It was obviously gay on straight violence.
He went out to smoke and was confronted by a hostile gay man wanting the sex. When shunned the gay man killed him. Why is this so hard to understand? No video, no shit, the murderer came from and left the other direction!
Someone seriously needs to solve this mystery. The mystery of Hugues sexual orientation!
I'm Brett and I live in the SF area. I have zero connection with anyone involved in this tragic affair.
First of all, many condolonces for your loss. This awful event has never left my mind since it happened and I can only imagine what it must be like for you. Hugues seemed like a wonderful person.
There is zero doubt in my mind (or could there be for any sane person) that he did not take his own life. Therefore this must be solved. I just had a few questions after looking through all the evidence and watching the 48 hrs program a few times. It would be interesting to know this info, but I understand if you do not care to answer me.
- I see lots of references to phone calls that he made prior to arriving home. I'm assuming these never led anywhere? Nor did anything from his computer? It'd be the obvious place to start, so I'll assume it did not help.
- According to google maps, it's a 9 minute walk from Underground SF to his address. Yet he left at 1:45 and did not arrive to his home until approx 2:06. Any idea what he may have done with those 12 or so minutes?
- What are some reasons that he would open his door, yet not because someone caused him to do so (ie, have a smoke)? This might help you determine if this was random or planned.
Again, condolences. I joined the FB so you can see I'm just a normal guy who wants to see justice prevail.
Take care.
I am watching this on 48 hours mystery and it is VERY clear that this young man was murdered! This is not a sucide. They say he didn't fight off and moved slowly I thought he was drunk? When you are inebrated you do not move fast and do not think logically to begin with actually you move slowly and would not think to pick up a cell phone, more or less you would be in a bit of confusion if someone attacks you. This is so sad that the SF Police Department dropped the ball on this investigation and does not make this right. IMO
Are there any plans to release the film on DVD?
I live in Canada and just watched the show "48 Hours Hard Evidence" What a tragic story. he had so many friends and his family loved him. That's the thing. so many of these cases are not treated like the victim might have people that care about them. He would be so proud of his former girlfriend. I am awed at her dedication to him.
I want to say that it seems to me that this case has gone terribly cold. has anybody thought of contacting a psychic? No I am not a psychic but I think they do amazing work. it's my understanding that law enforcement has benefitted in solving some cases with the assistance of a psychic.
Just a thought..Hope it helps. Good luck in your quest for justice for Hugues. <3
Tammy Pernsky
I just watched a rerun of the original 48 Hours show.
This was no suicide. The family needs to demand a meeting with Jerry Brown and Kamela Harris because obviously the SF police do not want to admit to their incompetency.The good news is the medical examiner did not rule it a suicide so the door is still open.
Something I don't understand. This blog mentions that he was killed at 1345 Bush St. The building at that address is a French school. Hugues was murdered in his appartment. Can you clarify?
@Algonkin. Hugues was murdered in his appartment on Linden street. Where did you see the mention to Bush street?
Tonight I watched a rerun on 48hrs.I was drawn into this nightmare and watched with horror at the incompetence of every official involved. It took no time to realize how uninvolved they were.How can this be? I know very little about crime scenes but I know quite abit about shock. It was very clear to me that this man could not fight back, react in any way to save or help himself.To suggest he killed himself is the worst kind of insult and I am so very sorry for you, his family and friends who had to endure such disrespect for your friend.My anger roared at the suggestions coming from the assistance medical examiner.When she said she had spoken to 2 surgeons, well,is that all.Could she not reason for herself the effects of alcohol, shock,heavy bleeding. Isn't she a doctor of sorts?I could say so much more along these lines but what I really want to say and remember is the twinkle I saw in this mans eyes for life. His photos did him justice. His zeal for life was so apparent in them. I never knew him and I do not know you all, but I feel for you .Sometimes you come across a story that grabs you, then throws you down.This is such a story. I pray for the efforts of his friends and his loving parents.May all the love that has inspired the search for truth and his murderer be honored.Could we please have JUSTICE for Hugues de la Plaza! With love, a kindred spirit.
This is FABULOUS. I'm going to include your blog and Hugues' story on my Facebook page and on our Ricky Dyer blog. God bless you and I'm praying for true justice.
When the assistant medical examiner said the only way she could rule the death a homicide is if someone provided info. What a dumb bitch didn't she goto school for this
Just watched the documentary (on french tv - France 2 - at 1 am).
I just can't imagine the pain you all are in. Seeing that noone did their job correctly, what a shame. Even more when the young man said that between 2004 and 2006, on 254 cases, only 1 suspect had been arrested. It's outrageous. It's like they can't see the crap in front of their eyes. And by crap I mean the horror and truth about this crime but also their crappy investigation.
I support you in your quest to justice and a REAL investigation which will luckily lead to the arrest of whoever did that.
I sincerely hope that those useless and inefficient policemen who did the first "investigation" in S.F. will be charged for not doing their job or whatever juridical term it is called.
I apologize for my english if it's hardly unerstandable.
Send from France.
(sorry if my english is bad)
I'm from Algeria, and I watched yesterday this film about Hugues in France 2. I understood all the sotory because I understand french. It's really sad what happened to Hugues.
I don't understand why police couldn't find the truth and leave it as case closed. it's really bad.
We hope that they find the truth even it's an old case.
I'm really sorry and sad.
Bonsoir, je viens de regarder le reportage diffusé sur France 2 et cela m'a énormément touché, j'aimerais vous aider avec mes p'tits moyens pour sensibiliser l'opinion publique, dites moi ce que je peux faire.
Je souhaite courage et force aux parents d'Hugues et éspère de tout mon coeur qu'un jour justice soit faite!
Bonsoir, je viens de regarder le reportage diffusé sur France 2 et cela m'a choqué et touché à la fois.
J'aimerais vous apporter mon aide avec mes p'tis moyens dites moi que puis-je faire?
Je souhaite courage et force aux parents d'hugues et souhaite de tout coeur qu'un jour justice soit faite!!!
HI I just saw 48 hor mistery about hugues - look into a jealous husband - letter N significant . good luck
A medical examiner bases their findings on the condition of the body point blank. Not witnesses ir a confession. This is a common sense no brainer. The coroner needs to go back to school as if this how things worked most deaths would be undetermined. Sincerely police officer.
That's interesting....I thought it very odd that she was standing by her decision by ruling out homicide and pushing for suicide. Interesting don't you think....female Med Examiner, is she married...does she have a boyfriend? Did she know Hugues?
This is Melissa Nix. I wish you would identify yourself, rather than hide behind your cowardice.
I have not willfully ignored your requests for any information, rather I have been very depressed and not checking the blog regularly.
But lets get to your horrific and hurtful questions.
How dare you accuse me or insinuate that I am the murderer or trying to cover for someone? Do you even know what it is like to lose someone you loved to murder and then to have an idiot like yourself like you rub salt in the wounds? Who are you? My email is common knowledge. You could have contacted me at any time rather than trying to publicly slander me.
If you want to know who called me the day Hugues was found dead here they are the following people, all common friends of mine and Hugues, all who live in NYC:
Kathy Lando
Jeanie Gosline
Amy Herzog
I was in Gloucester, Virginia visiting my family when I received these phone calls. About 20 people can verify that this was the case and that I was in Virginia.
One of Hugues neighbors, who was a common friend of one of Hugues work friends at Charlie Morrow Design Studios in New York called a Mark B. (also a former colleague od Hugues at Charlie Morrow) who then called Jeanie Gosline. Jeanie used to work at Charlie Morrow as well with Hugues. I did not know this neighbor, as I had not been in contact with Hugues for 6 months. However this person was savvy enough to know that the police probably had not contacted his parents.
Jeanie, not knowing what to do, called me on my cell. I did not pick up at first, as I was at the movies. Amy and Kathy called and left messages too. Once I talked with all of them, I then called SFPD dispatch to confirm Hugues was in fact dead. Then I called his parents.
I was in fact Hugues ex-girlfriend. We were together for 4.5 years, both in NYC and SF.
We broke up in 2003, but tried to get back together over the years. We finally broke things off for good, after a very brief reunite, in Nov. 2006. I was happy to hear that he had been seeing other people - wanted him to be happy.
The reporter told me when I asked why he wasnt covering Hugues death "that he doesnt write about suicides."
Obviously, you are not a reporter as you would know that when you cover the cops beat, you call police daily and/or the coroner to find out about any mortalities of the day. Police and/or the coroner will tell reporter whether the case is worth writing about, ie, its a murder, involunatry manslaughter, suicide. etc. The SF reporter did not make up what he told me, rather, he was repeating what the authorities had told him.
Now fuck off. If you want me to answer any more of your questions, identify yourself.
You are a liar. Why did you wait until Monday to call the police?
Hi, I'm a French journalist based in San Francisco. I saw the report about the murder of Hugues and I would like to know if I can help the family. I would like to join the team who try to find the true. Thanks, Caroline
Caroline, please call me at 415 515 2209. Merci, Christophe
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