Friday, June 12, 2009

Coalition for Justice

Melissa and I have decided to create a movement "Coalition for Justice" to gather information from other families in disarray victims of the lack of response and investigation from the SFPD and the non-accountability of the elected officials of the City of San Francisco.

Please join our cause and make yourself available offering your time and talents.

Facebook page here

Send an email to for details and meeting schedule.


Anonymous said...

Vous ne saurez jamais .
Il faut que vous compreniez ceci une fois pour toutes .
Vous ne saurez jamais .

Lisa said...

Je ne suis pas si sûre : en tous cas, il serait lâche de baisser les bras.

Pourquoi démoraliser les personnes qui veulent la justice ?

Jesuit_Alum said...

In the 48-hour Mystery TV episode that aired on Saturday a 1961 white Cadillac showed up – an unusual car. Has this been checked out.

Anonymous said...

Dear SFPD,
There is breaking news that someone close to a member of the family has information pertaining to the location of a close friend of Hugues on the day of his death that is critically important. This is all we know at this time.

Sarah B. said...

Does anyone have any news about the investigation into Mr. de la Plaza's death? I feel so sorry for his poor family, and for the man himself - what did he ever do to make someone feel like he needed to go out that way? I'll never understand!

RIP Hugues

Anonymous said...

I've seen the documentary about Hugues, twice aired on the TLC network, here in Canada. I'm shocked this was deemed a suicide, it's insane. Also - why was the idea never entertained that Hugues was attacked "outside", having then entered his home & locked his door, for refuge from his attacker. There needs to be justice here. Tara - Canada

Anonymous said...

I just saw the documentary and I also belive it was in the late nightours someone hurt him....and I belive if the posters are especially in the places where prostitutes, criminals are hanging maybe it will give result. That categori of people are only in it for the money and someone have heard afterwards about this and maybe the money can give result. My regards to his parents and friends. Li

Anonymous said...

I saw this documentary on the ID channel and also think it is outrageous to even call it " undetermined". Can they tell whether or not that the blood outside is OLDER than the blood inside?? That would PROVE that something happened outside, and then he brought himself inside, thought enough to lock the door, but then blacked out. Obviously!

Anonymous said...

Bon courage a vous!!!! On est avec vous de tout coeur!!!Encore une belle erreur de la police de san francisco!!!!Et en plus ne pas arrivé à reconnaitre ses erreurs je trouve ça formidable!!!!Je suis un policier en bas de l'echelle et j'ai déjà eu affaire a des homicides, si celui-ci n en est pas un je suis prêt a quitter mon métier maintenant!!! j ai trouve fabuleux les erreurs commisent par la police de SF. Un périmètre de securité completement negliger, pas de recherche d ADN sur l'exterieur de l'habitation, un couteau qui ne correspond pas au entailles faites enfin ils sont phénoménals!!!!! continuez à vous battre!!!! je sais que trop bien que sur des faits comme cela on a toujours besoins de reponse!!!! courage!!!!!